War Crimes in Gaza — Documentary
Al Jazeera Investigates made a documentary about the war crimes in Gaza. I attended the viewing, and then tried to watch the whole thing again at home. I had to skip one part despite all me experience
On the 09th of October I went to a screening of Al Jazeera’s Investigates documentary about war crimes in Gaza. It was horrific, but we MUST all watch it. We must be aware of what our leaders are doing in the world. We have a democracy. Our leaders are our representatives. So please watch this to see what they are supporting in our name, especially if you live in the USA, UK or Germany.
I will leave a link to the documentary at the end of the article, in fact, this isn’t so much an article as a preparation for what you are about to see.
I thought I knew a lot. I wish someone warned me so that I would psychologically prepare to what I am about to witness. I have learned that we really can’t compare IDF (or IOF, as it is more realistic to call them) to the Nazis. IOF are far worse than Nazis. America will never recover from this, and we must not let it. Germany, considering its past, will also go down, and so be it. And as for the UK, I am horrified, but we have done the crime and now we must face the consequences of our actions. I’m sorry, but for the sake of humanity, we must. Our leaders, in fact, Sunak said that we want Israel to win. WTF!!!! The fanatical support given to Israel by the Western powers is shocking. We are being led by psychopaths. We must correct this.
The documentary starts with Palestinians fighting to be recognised as humans. We might not agree with their method, but no human being has the right to disagree with their objective. However, for this, there are called terrorists.
Some of you might know that my favourite question to ask in any situation to get a better understanding is: What is the alternative? While I am against any attack on innocent people, I honestly can’t think what else could Palestinians have done. And Israel has become so horrific, Palestinians had to try. This documentary shows that Israel has crossed all red lines long ago. The way their soldiers behave is beyond human comprehension. Even their civilians — to make fun of innocent people being killed, tortured, starved and such is just beyond this world. I don’t remember hearing that Germans, at their darkest hours, ever did anything of the sort. Yet Israelis are making videos and posting them on social media where they celebrate and make fun of human suffering that their country is inflicting.
The Israeli army is not competent. In fact, if they didn’t have our weapons they would be nothing. They are a pathetic bunch of heartless idiots. I cannot believe that anyone would support them, let alone our leaders are giving them our money. At one point, one British Israeli is shocked to see women’s underwear. Do Israeli women not wear underwear? Why the F is this freak so surprised. It’s like he never walked into M&S, which would be odd considering how much M&S supports these freaks. He’s seriously shocked to find that women in Gaza have underwear. What surprised me is that ALL the underwear was in the drawers. I’m a woman, on most days you will find one or two personal clothing items hanging somewhere, drying. Those things have to be hand washed. So we do not leave them in the laundry basked, we wash them, hang them to drip, and then leave them someplace to dry. Most of us have a specific place that we always use. However, this Israeli freak goes on to open one drawer after another, out of his mind in shock to find women’s underwear.
And if that wasn't bad enough, a whole bunch of these so called soldiers go on to try the women’s underwear. Then, they take photos of themselves in women’s underwear. If Palestinians were any kind of threat, trust me, not ONE of these Israeli freaks would bother with the f-ing underwear. They wouldn’t have the time or energy for it. The levels of pathetic are just so stupendous that it’s sick. However, there’s far worse to come.
The Israeli freaks are making the best of AI to kill. I wonder if Nazis would have done that if they had a chance?
It seems the only thing Israel is good at is revenge when they are certain they have the upper hand. It seems that as a country, so not every individual but most, revenge is the only thing they are interested in, they feed off it, it makes them proud. I would bet that the Nakba of 1948 was revenge for whatever happened 3000 years ago. It seems that those pathetic freaks have a version in their heads, and for some reason the Western leaders support that version. In the minds of Israelis, Palestinians of today are guilty. They do not need evidence (which is good, because Israelis have no evidence), their claim to Palestinian guilt is enough. And it’s just Palestinians. Countries that killed Jews in WW2 are not guilty or deserving of punishment. We must conclude that it’s not about Jews, it’s about Israel.
Palestinians are guilty of not taking this Israeli insane version as a fact. Palestinians believe they are human beings no matter how much Israel claims that they are animals. And it is easy to see that Palestinians are right and Israelis are wrong. Though our leaders have still sided with Israel. Our leaders have called Palestinians terrorists. One group of people are being called animals by their killers, and because they fight for their survival, our governments have called them terrorists. As a result, the word terrorism has lost all meaning. This is a huge threat to justice and peace. And it’s all happening just to serve Israeli weird mental problems.
Without the support of Western Politicians, Israel would have nothing. Western politicians have blamed the death in Gaza on Hamas, NOT on the Israeli bombs that we gave them, no, they blame Hamas. It’s extremely difficult to see how. Our politicians claim that Hamas is using civilians as a shield. There is no evidence of this, but Israel doesn’t need evidence as far as our leaders are concerned. In fact, as far as our politicians are concerned if Israel believes that ‘Hamas’ are in some building, Israel has every right to just demolish that building. Imagine this became a norm. Imagine someone demolishing a high-rise building in New York, or London, or Berlin because there was a criminal in that building. And you come home from work to find that your whole family was buried alive in the rubble of the building that was your home because your government demolished it under the excuse that there was a criminal inside. I.e. our government believes, under the Israeli instructions, that if a Palestinian is in any vicinity of a criminal, whether they know it or not, deserves to be killed, even if the Palestinian is a child.
For this reason, Palestinians civilians would not dare to be anywhere near a Palestinian armed person. So even if a civilian in Gaza was to see a person with weapons who might offer them at least some protection, it seems that the civilians would run away from such a person. I.e. our leaders support the killers of these civilians, and they have also managed to remove any protection these civilians might have in form of their own fighters. Hence, our leaders are not only supporting Israel in terms of sending them weapons and information, they also make sure that the people Israel wants to kill have no way to fight for themselves because that would endanger Israeli soldiers. To put it bluntly, our governments are working hard to make sure that Israeli so-called soldiers are in no danger while they murder innocent people.
To make matters worse, we have LOTS of evidence of Israel using Palestinian civilians as shields and military assistance. They force these civilians to carry out dangerous jobs so that the soldiers are safer, and then they might even kill that civilian. Again, our governments have given thumbs up to this, and call it ‘brave’.
On the other hand we learn a lot about Palestinians from this documentary. Pay attention to how much they are striving to survive. They have no weapons. They have no means of escape. Being hit seems inevitable, yet how much they fight to save each person.
In Gaza, a person with Press west is shot, but he survives and calls it a good start to the day.
In Gaza, a person is shot, still alive, someone needs to get to him but the Israeli sniper is still lurking, so a woman tells a man to stop making her nervous as she prepares to run to the injured man. He stops. She runs. The injured man is saved.
In Gaza, a boy begs doctors to try even when it is obvious that there is nothing that can be done for the patient. “Just try, just try…” still echoes in my mind.
In Gaza, women are the best in the world.
In Gaza, Israel is systematically targeting civilians.
In Gaza, buildings are not bombed but demolished.
In Gaza, we must make a monument to a country that once was, a country named Israel, that died with the 1000s of innocent victims, 1000s of children, that it killed, 1000s of innocent people that it tortured in the most horrific ways, 1000000s of lives that it needlessly destroyed. Let that monument be a lessons to us all that inhumanity will not win. That revenge is not the way to make a country. That lies and propaganda have a use by date. — Just to clarify because this article might be read by Israeli psychos who, as I said previously, have a version in their own head. Death of Israel does NOT mean death of ANY human being. The worst of the Israeli soldiers and politicians should be left on a deserted island with a tent. Whole bunch of heartless Israeli psychos belong in jail. What is left, the normal Israeli citizens, many of whom are too afraid to speak, will be fine with starting their country all over, free from the psychopaths who have done all this damage. In short, and this is especially to the group of lawyers in the UK who should have their diplomas removed (they might have learned the law, but they most certainly do not know how to practice the law, and therefore they should not be allowed to be lawyers): read what I have said NOT what you image I might have said. I am not responsible for the way your sick mind works. All I can do is suggest that you get professional help.
Before I post the link to the documentary I must put one specific warning because it’s something that still makes me sick. At 01:04:04 you will hear a former prisoner talk about his worst day in prison. What he witnessed is so horrific that I cannot sleep. I still pretend that I didn’t hear it. I’ve watched the documentary twice, except that part. I cannot afford to watch that part a second time. I can’t do it! I have tears in my eyes as I am typing this. So be warned. And remember, this is what our government is supporting in our name! And so, here’s the link. Good luck!
At the end of the film we had a panel discussion and Q&A. We spoke about Western media not being allowed in and I agree with the Gaza reporter that there are lots of locals working as journalists.
We also spoke about medical staff going from the UK to Gaza to help. Apparently, many are willing but Israel has made such rules that it’s simply impossible.
And then we spoke a lot about ICJ, ICC and the UN. I’m from Bosnia. We went through the whole process. While there is some comfort in getting the verdict, sending the guilty party at least to prison, crime is far worse than punishment. In fact, the court is so easy on these war criminals, on people who have carried out crimes against humanity, I am sure Israeli soldiers wouldn’t be such animals if they feared, at least a little, that they might be held to account.
I have written before about a Croat war criminal who has served his sentence, has been permitted to return to Bosnia, has received support from a political party that is currently enjoying HUGE support from a German official who has power in Bosnia through OHR. This war criminal has said that it was all worth it and that he would do it again. If any of the Israeli freaks know of this, and they might considering that Israel is close with Croatia (which is strange considering that Croatia murdered Jews in WW2), and Israel is very interested in how it can get away with war crimes and crimes against humanity.
I raised my hand to speak about how we must reform the ICC, how the laws must be improved, that punishment must fit the crime, but we didn’t have time for more questions. It did make me think that we should have a meeting just on this topic.
At the end I approached the director to ask if he would be interested in making a documentary about the Dayton Peace Agreement. I think this is the best way I can now help Palestinians, and others who are facing such atrocities. It is important to know how Dayton came to be, and what it really means. Peace agreements are vital. This one is horrific, however, no one knows so I am worried that Palestinians (and others) will be inflicted with the same unless we learn from Dayton as it is. I know Palestinians just want the horror to end. So did we. Now, 30 years later, most Bosnians wish that the West left us alone.